vPC Peer
The vpc_peers configuration allows to define the vpc pairs in the fabric. This includes defining the 2 switches that belong to a pair and the interfaces that the switches will use for the vpc peering.
The supported workflows are "Provision" and "Decommission" only. In other words, the configuration of any vpc pair cannot be edited after deployment, to scale up or down the peer interfaces or change the vpc pairs. The recommended method to perform changes to a already deployed vpc pair is, to delete the vpc pair completely and create them fresh.
topology (vxlan)
Name | Type | Constraint | Mandatory | Default Value |
vpc_peers | List | [vpc_peers] | No |
vpc_peers (vxlan.topology)
Name | Type | Constraint | Mandatory | Default Value |
peer1 | String | Yes | ||
peer1_peerlink_interfaces | List | [peer1_peerlink_interfaces] | No | |
peer2 | String | Yes | ||
peer2_peerlink_interfaces | List | [peer2_peerlink_interfaces] | No | |
fabric_peering | Boolean | true , false | No | |
domain_id | Integer | min: 1 , max: 1000 | No | 1 |
vtep_vip | IP | No | ||
vpc_interfaces | List | [vpc_interfaces] | No |
peer1_peerlink_interfaces (vxlan.topology.vpc_peers)
Name | Type | Constraint | Mandatory | Default Value |
name | String | Regex: ^(?:e|eth(?:ernet)?)\d(?:\/\d+){1,2}$ | Yes |
peer2_peerlink_interfaces (vxlan.topology.vpc_peers)
Name | Type | Constraint | Mandatory | Default Value |
name | String | Regex: ^(?:e|eth(?:ernet)?)\d(?:\/\d+){1,2}$ | Yes |
vpc_interfaces (vxlan.topology.vpc_peers)
Name | Type | Constraint | Mandatory | Default Value |
vpc_id | Integer | min: 1 , max: 4096 | Yes |
- peer1: dc1-leaf1
peer2: dc1-leaf2
- name: Ethernet1/3
- name: Ethernet1/4
- name: Ethernet1/3
- name: Ethernet1/4
- peer1: dc1-leaf3
peer2: dc1-leaf4
- name: Ethernet1/3
- name: Ethernet1/3